Saying Goodbye to Quoala

By | July 2, 2024

A couple of weeks ago, we said goodbye to Quoala. After a year of defining our product, building an MVP, and putting it in front of customers and learning rapidly, circumstances came about such that shutting it down was the best decision for everyone.

It’s more complicated than that, of course, but you’ll have to ask me about details in person. Suffice to say that I valued the opportunity and the things I learned along the way, I enjoyed getting to know everyone on the team, and will miss all the good times we had working and hanging out together.

Jeff, Michael, Kate, Juri, Akanksha and Jay – it’s been a pleasure – I hope we get to hang out some more soon!

So. What’s next, then?

For a start, I’m going to take some time to write and get my head in the game. Then, I’ll be getting my LinkedIn profile and résumé in order and launching into the job hunt. It’s daunting, as it always is, but I have some ideas on how I’m going to approach things that are a bit unconventional and which I’ll share here later. I’m also really relishing the idea of having a bit more time to build some things for myself, take some courses, and learn some new stuff.

For now, though, I’m going to go spend some quality time with Siggy and maybe read a book or two.